One of the main questions that new parents ask is – ‘how do I create the perfect baby sleep routine for my baby?’ This article is here to assist those parents and many others out there that have the same question plaguing their minds.
Humans are a creature of habit, and your baby is no different. The more your baby observes you doing something, the more your actions signal to your baby that this means something.
Creating a baby sleep routine needs to provide restful sleeping for your baby as well as reward you. The routine you come up with needs to be carefully thought through and comprise of steps that are followed sequentially every day.
When choosing a series of steps, you need to be realistic and practical. Come up with steps that do not take a lot of time especially if you have more than one baby in your home. An ideal sleep routine will make use of some or all of the following steps:
Bathe your child
Give him a massage
Dress the baby and place him in a sleeping bag
Feed the baby
Read a bedtime story to your baby
Cuddle and kiss your baby
Place him in a cot
Once you have come up with your baby sleep routine that you wish to follow, STICK TO IT. Do not feel that it is not working after just one day and forego it, because it takes some time for the child to adapt to it. Each of the steps used in the routine has a purpose. For example, a bath can soothe and calm the child significantly.
The baby sleep routine you come up with helps your baby sleep best but it is also contributed to by the environment you set up. Your child’s nursery needs to provide a suitable environment for your baby to sleep peacefully until morning. Make sure the temperature in the nursery is at the correct temperature (18-20 degrees). The bed needs to be comfortable and warm enough to promote better sleep.
It is vital that you come up with a routine that is appropriate for you, your baby and your lifestyle. It is advisable to come up with a simple routine which your nanny or babysitter will replicate when you are not around.
The baby sleep routine you have developed needs to get your baby in the proper state of mind for sleeping before you lay them down for the night. Do this by making sure the time before bed is as quiet as possible. Encourage the baby to play before you start the routine so that they can spend up their energy.
When you stick to the routine, your baby will see it as a signal that bedtime is near and they will look forward to interacting with you during this time.
Coming up with a calming and reassuring baby sleep routine will be very comforting for your baby as well as provide peace for the rest of the people in the house. As your baby gets older, it is not bad to relax the routine occasionally, but do not drop it entirely as this will confuse your baby.
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